
Recent News

HRN Film Series: GETT The Trial of Viviane Amsalem

Human Rights Film - Gett

PSC Lecture Series: China, Russia and the Threat to Liberal Democracy

CLS1 - Liao Flyer

Human Rights Network Film Series: City of Joy

City of Joy (1)-1

Congratulations to the Undergraduate Scholarship Recipients for 2019-2020

  • May Davidson Scholarship – Stephanie Dingle, Gary Hull, Brenna Koss,     Magnolia Long
  • Annie Moring Alexander Scholarship – Kaylee Faw, Steven Garfunkel, Andrea Santolim Geller, David Webb
  • Debbie Beatty Scholarship – Avery Skipper, David Webb, Evan Workman

Ariana Garcia receives Trow Undergraduate Scholarship

Congratulations to Ariana Garcia, Junior, UNC Greensboro College of Arts & Sciences, majoring in Political Science. She is an active member of UNC Greensboro chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta National Honor Society (ALD).

Ariana was selected to receive the Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society for First-Year SuccessTrow Undergraduate Scholarship for the 2019 – 2020 academic year.

Political Science Graduation – Spring 2019

PSC Graduation Ceremony Spring 2019

Pubantz Artists in Residence Program

At the Artists in Residence Showcase, the Honors College was pleased to present founding Dean of the Honors College Dr. Jerry Pubantz with a plaque commemorating the re-naming of the program to the Pubantz Artists in Residence Program. Dr. Pubantz delivered remarks for the occasion of the five year anniversary of the Artists in Residence Program, which he founded and supported in collaboration with the College of Visual and Performing Arts and the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creativity Office until he stepped down as dean of Lloyd International Honors College. Congratulations, Dr. Pubantz, and thank you for all of the ways you developed and continue to support our Honors student and community!

Human Rights Research Network Film

HRRN Film 1 - 2018-19

Human Rights Research Network Film

The Edukators Poster

CLS Lecture

CLS2 - Jardina Flyer to departments