
Civic Leadership & Engagement Concentration

The Pamela Malester Civic Leadership & Engagement minor will provide students with the knowledge and skills to effectively participate in, organize, and lead civic groups and communities as they work to solve public problems. UNCG is committed to making socially responsible and participatory citizenship an essential part of its educational programs.

The Pamela Malester Civic Leadership & Engagement minor prepares students for the following:

  • Leadership: prepare leaders versed in principles of social behavior, community awareness and global presence, cultural appreciation and understanding, public service, legal studies, and current practices in civics
  • Social change: ensure students are equipped to confront current community and civic realities and are intellectually prepared to adjust to a continually changing environment
  • Key civic leadership skills: develop key civic leadership skills, such as democratic decision-making, collaboration in diverse contexts, effective communication, community-engaged research, consensus-building, facilitation, social organizing, project management, etc.
  • Effective public action: Conceptualize, develop, implement, and evaluate opportunities for effective public action

Program Requirements

Required Credit Hours: 15
Required Course: PSC 370, Civic Leadership & Engagement (3 credits)

Electives from the list below: 4 (12 credits):

  • PSC 309 Entrepreneurship in the Public Sector
  • PSC 311 The Nonprofit Sector and Governance
  • PSC 323 Urban Politics
  • PSC 325 Community Development
  • PSC 330 Internship in Campaigns and Elections
  • PSC 349 Human Rights and the Global Citizen
  • PSC 399 Public Affairs Internship
  • PSC 410K Topics in Public Policy: Ethics in Public Policy
  • SOC 326 The Community
  • SOC 327 Race and Ethnic Relations
  • SOC 344 Global Society
  • CST 342 Communication and Public Relations
  • CST 406 Speaking Out for Community Change
  • CST 460 Special Topics in Communication Research
  • PSC 300 Washington Summer Program
  • WGS 250 An Introduction to Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies
  • REL 249 Religion and Public Health
  • REL 251 Topics in Religious Social Ethics